We strictly prohibit the posting of content that sexualizes or threatens children, both in real and fictional forms. This includes animations, digital images, multimedia, text, and illustrations. Any visual materials, links to external resources, or discussions involving sexual behavior related to children are prohibited.
It is strictly forbidden to upload, store, produce, distribute, or encourage others to distribute materials related to child sexual abuse (CSAM). This includes any intentions, even if the aim is to express outrage or raise awareness of the issue.
We do not allow the publication of group or individual photographs depicting infants, preschool-aged, or school-aged children in user profiles. You may only share photographs of your children in private messages with other users.
We understand that users may wish to discuss their children or share images with acquaintances. However, any such discussions or posts must be appropriate, legal, and in full compliance with current laws.
If you notice unlawful materials, including those received in private messages, please contact customer support at support@firststepapp.com. You can also report such content directly through the app.
Any violation of this policy will result in the immediate suspension of the account. In accordance with international law, if we become aware of instances of child sexual exploitation or abuse, we are obligated to report the matter to the relevant authorities, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). NCMEC may share the report with appropriate local and global law enforcement agencies.
If you believe that your materials or account were blocked in error, you can always reach out to customer support.